Natural And Man-Made Heart Shapes Rss feed Twitter button Facebook button

In our world today, it's becoming increasingly rare to see things that are genuine and natural. This very thought inspired me to gather photos of things, both natural and man-made, that are heart shaped. Let's find out which ones are natural and which ones are not...

White Heart

A black and white cow in Thailand with a heart on his forehead.

This little calf isn't mine, but I named him "White Heart." He makes me smile every time I see his face. Thank you, White Heart!

Sarang Hae Yo Girl

A young Thai girl making the sarang hae yo gesture to say I love you.

This Korean hand gesture forms a heart shape. It's called "sarang hae yo", which means "I love you." The gesture has become one of the top poses for photo taking in Thailand. Even this three-year-old girl knows how to do it!

Sarang Hae Yo Frogs

Two ceramic frogs in Thailand making the sarang hae yo hand gesture.

These ceramic frogs have also been affected by the Korean sarang hae yo fever. Here's another version of the sarang hae yo gesture, where two people form a heart shape with their arms.

Kosta Boda Heart Dish

A Swedish Kosta Boda glass dish with a red heart design.

"Desire, energy, passion - I can love and hate all at the same time..."

Designed by Ulrica Hydman-Vallien, Kosta Boda designer.

Heart-Shaped Cookies

A tray of beautiful home made cookies that are heart shaped.

No matter what, no matter where

It's always home, if love is there (Anonymous)

Purple Heart Garden

A unique heart-shaped garden by the beach in Thailand.

I made this heart garden one summer day. With tender love and care, the heart garden became healthy and alive with colorful flowers. Unfortunately, after a few months, big waves splashed the heart away in seconds.

By observing these changes, I have deepened my understanding of the Buddhist Philosophy that says, "Everything comes and goes..."

Heart-Shaped Gift Box

A pink heart-shaped gift box.

This heart-shaped gift box won't mean anything unless the present inside comes from the giver's heart...

Easter Egg Heart Design

An Easter egg decorated with sugar hearts.

Here is one of the 10,000 Easter eggs decorated by Volker Kraft, who made his childhood dream come true at his home in Saalfeld, Germany.

Heart-Shaped Leaves

Young heart-shaped leaves in the sunlight.
Photo credit: x@v photos

I find this photo beautiful since the fresh leaves are bathing in the sun. Anyhow, when I look deeper into it, I can see more...

What brings vitality to this plant is good food, which includes sunlight, fresh air and fertile soil. Day after day, a little seed sprouts and grows to be a strong vine with beautiful big leaves. This green plant definitely adds life to our planet.

All living creatures, including humans are the same. We need good food to nurture the senses through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, such as listening to things that are pleasant to the ears, breathing clean air and eating healthy food.

At the same time, we can also give good food for the senses to our family and friends. I believe we can create a world of healthy and happy people, starting from our own home.

Suggested Reading:   Spirituality & Simplicity   Buddhism For Children

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